About DjVu Solo
  About LizardTech
  Accessing the LizardTech Knowledge Base
      Technical support options
  Acquire command
      Scanning images into DjVu Solo
  Adding DjVu files to a Web page
      Displaying a DjVu document in a frame
      Including DjVu documents in Web pages
      Using MIME types
  Adding files of other formats in a DjVu document
      Creating multiple-page documents
      Dragging image files into DjVu Solo
  Adding highlighted areas
      Highlighting areas of an image
  Adding hyperlinks
      Adding hyperlinks to images
  Adding pages in a document
      Creating multiple-page documents
      Dragging image files into DjVu Solo
      Scanning images into DjVu Solo
  Alignment settings:   page or document
      Setting page or document alignment
  Appending pages to a document
      Creating multiple-page documents
      Dragging image files into DjVu Solo
      Scanning images into DjVu Solo
  Background color:   changing
      Changing the background color
  Background display setting
      Setting startup display
  Black & white display setting
      Setting startup display
  BMP files:   saving from DjVu Solo
      Saving documents as BMP files
  Bundled documents
      Creating multiple-page documents
      Multiple-page formats
  Changing display settings
      Changing display settings while viewing the document
      Setting display and printer preferences
      Setting startup display
  Changing page or document alignment settings
      Setting page or document alignment
  Changing startup display
      Setting startup display
  Changing the background color
      Changing the background color
  Changing zoom level
      Setting zoom levels
  Characteristics of hyperlinks and highlighted areas
      Defining properties of hyperlinks and highlights
  Color display setting
      Setting startup display
  Compression dialog box
      Encoding settings
      Opening and encoding an image file
  Contacting LizardTech
      Copyrights & trademarks
  Contacting LizardTech technical support
      Contacting LizardTech Technical Support
      Technical support options
  Converting images to DjVu documents
      Creating multiple-page documents
      Dragging image files into DjVu Solo
      Opening and encoding an image file
      Scanning images into DjVu Solo
  Copyrights and trademarks
      Copyrights & trademarks
  Creating a DjVu file
      Opening and encoding an image file
  Creating highlighted areas
      Highlighting areas of an image
  Creating multiple-page documents
      Creating multiple-page documents
  Customizing hyperlinks and highlighted areas
      Defining properties of hyperlinks and highlights
  Defining properties for hyperlinks and highlights
      Defining properties of hyperlinks and highlights
  Display preferences:   setting
      Setting display and printer preferences
  Display settings:   changing
      Changing display settings while viewing the document
      Setting startup display
  Displaying DjVu documents in a browser
      Displaying a DjVu document in a frame
      Including DjVu documents in Web pages
      Using MIME types
  Displaying DjVu documents in frames
      Displaying a DjVu document in a frame
  Displaying page information
      Displaying page information
  Displaying the status bar
      Displaying toolbars and the status bar
  Displaying toolbars
      Displaying toolbars and the status bar
  Distributing DjVu files electronically
      Components for distributing DjVu files electronically
  DJBZ files
      Components for distributing DjVu files electronically
  DjVu documents:   bundled
      Multiple-page formats
  DjVu documents:   indirect
      Multiple-page formats
  DjVu documents:   multiple-page
      Multiple-page formats
  DjVu Solo:   about
  DjVu technology:   about
      About DjVu technology
  DjVu Web Browser Plug-in
      Downloading the DjVu Web Browser Plug-in
  Document or page alignment settings
      Setting page or document alignment
  Downloading DjVu Web Browser Plug-in
      Downloading the DjVu Web Browser Plug-in
  Downloading products from the LizardTech Web site
      Technical support options
  Dragging files from Explorer to DjVu Solo
      Dragging image files into DjVu Solo
  Edit mode
      Editing and previewing documents
      Resizing and removing hyperlinks and highlight areas
  Editing and previewing documents
      Editing and previewing documents
      Using the EMBED and OBJECT HTML tags
  Encoding an image file
      Opening and encoding an image file
  Encoding settings:   bitonal
      Encoding settings
  Encoding settings:   clean
      Encoding settings
  Encoding settings:   photo
      Encoding settings
  Encoding settings:   scanned
      Encoding settings
  File formats:   supported by DjVu Solo
      Supported file formats
  Finding additional information:   LizardTech Knowledge Base
      Technical support options
  Foreground display setting
      Setting startup display
  Formats for multiple-page documents
      Creating multiple-page documents
      Multiple-page formats
      Displaying a DjVu document in a frame
  Generating thumbnails
      Using thumbnails
  Getting technical support
      Contacting LizardTech Technical Support
  Hiding or showing the status bar
      Displaying toolbars and the status bar
  Hiding or showing thumbnails
      Using thumbnails
  Hiding or showing toolbars
      Displaying toolbars and the status bar
  Highlighted areas:   adding
      Highlighting areas of an image
  Highlighted areas:   customizing
      Defining properties of hyperlinks and highlights
  Highlighted areas:   properties
      Defining properties of hyperlinks and highlights
  Highlighted areas:   removing
      Resizing and removing hyperlinks and highlight areas
  Highlighted areas:   resizing
      Resizing and removing hyperlinks and highlight areas
  Highlighting areas of an image
      Highlighting areas of an image
      Keyboard shortcuts
  HTML pages:   displaying DjVu documents in
      Displaying a DjVu document in a frame
      Including DjVu documents in Web pages
      Using MIME types
  HTML tags:   EMBED
      Using the EMBED and OBJECT HTML tags
  HTML tags:   frames
      Displaying a DjVu document in a frame
  HTML tags:   OBJECT
      Using the EMBED and OBJECT HTML tags
  Hyperlinks:   adding
      Adding hyperlinks to images
  Hyperlinks:   customizing
      Defining properties of hyperlinks and highlights
  Hyperlinks:   properties
      Defining properties of hyperlinks and highlights
  Hyperlinks:   removing
      Resizing and removing hyperlinks and highlight areas
  Hyperlinks:   resizing
      Resizing and removing hyperlinks and highlight areas
  Hyperlinks:   types
      Adding hyperlinks to images
  Image files:   converting into DjVu
      Opening and encoding an image file
  Image files:   dragging into DjVu Solo
      Dragging image files into DjVu Solo
  Image files:   encoding
      Opening and encoding an image file
  Image files:   opening in DjVu Solo
      Opening and encoding an image file
  Image files:   scanning into DjVu Solo
      Scanning images into DjVu Solo
  Image files:   supported formats
      Supported file formats
  Indirect documents
      Components for distributing DjVu files electronically
      Creating multiple-page documents
      Multiple-page formats
  Inserting files of other formats into a DjVu document
      Creating multiple-page documents
  Integrating thumbnails
      Using thumbnails
  Key commands
      Keyboard shortcuts
  Keyboard shortcuts
      Keyboard shortcuts
  Keyboard shortcuts for document navigation
      Navigating a document
  Keyboard shortcuts:   for slide shows
      Running a slide show
  Knowledge base of technical documents
      Technical support options
  LizardTech:   about
  LizardTech:   contacting tech support
      Contacting LizardTech Technical Support
      Technical support options
  LizardTech:   copyrights and trademarks
      Copyrights & trademarks
  Magnification:   changing zoom levels
      Setting zoom levels
  MIME types
      Using MIME types
  Multipage documents (See Multiple-page documents)
      Creating multiple-page documents
  Multiple-page documents:   creating
      Creating multiple-page documents
  Multiple-page documents:   formats for
      Creating multiple-page documents
      Multiple-page formats
  Multiple-page documents:   inserting pages
      Creating multiple-page documents
  Multiple-page documents:   rearranging pages
      Rearranging and removing pages
  Multiple-page documents:   removing pages
      Rearranging and removing pages
  Navigating a document
      Navigating a document
  Navigating a slide show
      Running a slide show
  New features in DjVu Solo 3.1
      Using the EMBED and OBJECT HTML tags
  Opening an image file
      Opening and encoding an image file
  Oval hyperlinks
      Adding hyperlinks to images
  Page information:   displaying
      Displaying page information
  Page or document alignment settings
      Setting page or document alignment
  Polygonal hyperlinks
      Adding hyperlinks to images
  Posting DjVu files on the Web
      Components for distributing DjVu files electronically
      Displaying a DjVu document in a frame
      Including DjVu documents in Web pages
      Using MIME types
  Preferences:   display and printer
      Setting display and printer preferences
  Previewing documents
      Editing and previewing documents
  Printer preferences:   setting
      Setting display and printer preferences
  Printing DjVu documents
      Printing DjVu documents
  Problem solving using the LizardTech Knowledge Base
      Technical support options
  Properties:   for hyperlinks and highlighted areas
      Defining properties of hyperlinks and highlights
  Publishing DjVu documents on the Web
      Displaying a DjVu document in a frame
      Using MIME types
      Using the EMBED and OBJECT HTML tags
  Quick Load command
      Scanning images into DjVu Solo
  Rearranging pages
      Rearranging and removing pages
  Receiving technical support
      Contacting LizardTech Technical Support
  Rectangular hyperlinks
      Adding hyperlinks to images
  Registered trademarks
      Copyrights & trademarks
  Removing highlighted areas
      Resizing and removing hyperlinks and highlight areas
  Removing hyperlinks
      Resizing and removing hyperlinks and highlight areas
  Removing pages
      Rearranging and removing pages
  Repositioning the status bar
      Displaying toolbars and the status bar
  Resizing highlighted areas
      Resizing and removing hyperlinks and highlight areas
  Resizing hyperlinks
      Resizing and removing hyperlinks and highlight areas
  Resizing thumbnails
      Using thumbnails
  Running a slide show
      Running a slide show
  Saving a page into a new file
      Saving a page into a new file
  Saving files in BMP format
      Saving documents as BMP files
  Scanning images into DjVu Solo
      Scanning images into DjVu Solo
  Setting display and printer preferences
      Setting display and printer preferences
  Setting page or document alignment
      Setting page or document alignment
  Setting startup display
      Setting startup display
  Setting zoom levels
      Setting zoom levels
  Settings for hyperlinks and highlighted areas
      Defining properties of hyperlinks and highlights
  Shared dictionary file
      Components for distributing DjVu files electronically
  Shortcut commands
      Keyboard shortcuts
  Showing or hiding the status bar
      Displaying toolbars and the status bar
  Showing or hiding thumbnails
      Using thumbnails
  Showing or hiding toolbars
      Displaying toolbars and the status bar
  Showing page information
      Displaying page information
  Slide show
      Running a slide show
  Startup display:   setting
      Setting startup display
  Status bar
      Displaying toolbars and the status bar
  Supported file formats
      Supported file formats
  System requirements
      Minimum system requirements
  Technical Support:   contacting LizardTech
      Contacting LizardTech Technical Support
  Technical Support:   options
      Contacting LizardTech Technical Support
      Technical support options
  THUMB files
      Components for distributing DjVu files electronically
  Thumbnail file
      Components for distributing DjVu files electronically
  Thumbnails menu
      Using thumbnails
  Thumbnails:   defined
      Using thumbnails
  Thumbnails:   generating
      Using thumbnails
  Thumbnails:   removing
      Using thumbnails
  Thumbnails:   resizing
      Using thumbnails
  Thumbnails:   showing or hiding
      Using thumbnails
  Thumbnails:   using
      Using thumbnails
  Toolbars:   DjVu Toolbar
      Displaying toolbars and the status bar
  Toolbars:   Main Toolbar
      Displaying toolbars and the status bar
      Copyrights & trademarks
  Troubleshooting:   accessing the LizardTech Knowledge Base
      Technical support options
  Turning thumbnails on or off
      Using thumbnails
  Types of DjVu documents
      Multiple-page formats
  Types of multiple-page documents
      Creating multiple-page documents
  Using files of other formats in DjVu documents
      Creating multiple-page documents
  Using highlights
      Highlighting areas of an image
  Using keyboard shortcuts to navigate a document
      Navigating a document
  Using the Acquire command
      Scanning images into DjVu Solo
  Using the EMBED and OBJECT HTML tags
      Using the EMBED and OBJECT HTML tags
  Using the EMBED tag
      Using the EMBED and OBJECT HTML tags
  Using the OBJECT tag
      Using the EMBED and OBJECT HTML tags
  Using the Quick Load command
      Scanning images into DjVu Solo
  Using the Slide Show feature
      Running a slide show
  Using thumbnails
      Using thumbnails
  Viewing a document as a slide show
      Running a slide show
  Viewing a document as your users will see it
      Editing and previewing documents
  Viewing page information
      Displaying page information
  Web pages:   displaying DjVu documents in
      Displaying a DjVu document in a frame
      Including DjVu documents in Web pages
      Using MIME types
  Web site:   downloading LizardTech products
      Technical support options
  What's new in DjVu Solo 3.1
  Working with multiple-page documents
      Creating multiple-page documents
      Multiple-page formats
  Zoom level:   changing
      Setting zoom levels